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"Knowledge is a comforting friend in times of loneliness, it is the best companion during travels, and it is the inner friend who speaks to you in your privacy.
Knowledge is the discerning proof of what is right and what is wrong, and it is the positive force that will help you surmount the trials of comfort, as well as those of hardships. 
Knowledge is your most powerful sword against your enemy, and finally, it is your most dignifying raiment in the company of your close companions."
Muadh Ibn Jabal (radhi allahu anhu)) 

our aim & objectives

To foster a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of Islamic teachings, the Holy Quran, and the Arabic language among Muslims, empowering them to deepen their connection with their faith and its sacred knowledge
To provide a comprehensive learning platform that equips English-speaking students with essential knowledge through a diverse range of courses, rich multimedia resources, and effective assessments, ensuring an immersive and efficient learning experience.

The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim ...

We believe the learning of essential knowledge should be easy, interactive, interesting and engaging. Learning Qur’an should be intellectually and spiritually stimulating, its message should penetrate the depths of our hearts, and inspire us to act towards righteousness.

Join us and be amazed at how easy it is to learn.
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