Allah has made it easy ! 

My Lord! increase me in knowledge (Ta-Ha 20:114)

Knowledge is not a destination but a lifelong journey of intellectual & spiritual discovery.
Learning the essential and beneficial knowledge of Islam, is not only an obligation but an life enhancing experience.  
Our aim is making the learning experience easier.

Courses & Books


Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Welcome to ILMHUB. We pray this site will develop into a rich learning resource. 

It is my sincere intention to strive to deliver a comprehensive range of courses, focusing only on the essential knowledge that we all need to learn.  
Write your awesome label here.

Seeking knowledge is an obligation 

The learning of beneficial knowledge is not only an obligation but a lifelong journey. In a world of information overload, it is often difficult to focus on the foundational knowledge. 

Knowledge & wisdom will enrich our lives, bring inner joy and contentment. We will understand the world around us and be able to make contribution to society.

Learning is for everyone

Everyone has a right to knowledge! It is our duty as teachers and providers to support the learner and make things easy for them. 

Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Teach and make things easy and not difficult. 

Our duty is to simplify, encourage, motivate, guide the learners in the initial first steps of a lifelong journey. 
God Willing (in-sha Allah), soon you will find this site as HUB in which you will have access to learning. 
God-Willin (in-sha Allah), we will soon be launching a series of courses on:

  • Arabic to understand Qur'an
  • General knowledge Islam, Quran, Seerah  
  • much more 

I look forward to sharing and learning with you. 

Your brother in Islam

Ustadz Muhamamd Arjan Ali
Write your awesome label here.
Coming soon InSHA ALLAH

courses: under development

Working behind the scenes, recording video lessons, writing notes, designing the course player, audio support files, quiz, test and exam. 
All registered supporters of ILMHUB will be notified by email of lauch dates. 

Key benefits of our courses

Learn the easy way

Easy Way!

Be amazed at how easy it is

Our courses are in plain English, focused on the essential knowledge that we all need to know.
Designed for absolute beginners, rich in content with step-by-step progression. Suitable for all types of learners. 

Unique way!

Putting focus back into learning 

We promise you a stress free, fun filled, spiritually and intellectually uplifting learning experience.
No hours of homework, no endless note writing, just relax, and interact with the tutor. All resources you need to learn in one place.

Busy people

Maximise learning 

Designed to give you maximum learning outcome, in shortest time frame. 
All learning resources (Videos, eBook, Quiz, PDF notes, workbook audio) in one place.
You just need torelax and learn. Your learning schedule totally in your control.
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