The language of Qur'an
easier than English (Book One)
eLearning Pack
eLearning Pack
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Author: Ustadz Muhammad Arjan Ali
Level: Book One
Package: eBook, plus Exercise and Model answers
15 core lessons: detailed notes in plain English, diagrams, tables, examples from Qur'an
57% words of Al-Quran
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Unique features of The Language of Quran Book One
This course is my humble attempt to engage the English-Speaking student to learn the Language of Quran in a way that engages them with the book of Allah. Some of its unique features:
Quranic Arabic focused: I have not covered spoken Arabic, colloquial Arabic, MSA, or any other type. The whole focus has been on the most essential Arabic needed for understanding the Qur’an.
Arabic grammar is simplified for English Speakers: notes are in plain everyday English. With easy-to-relate examples, simple step-by-step instructions, and summaries of rules with illustrated diagrams and charts.
Arabic grammar is simplified for English Speakers: notes are in plain everyday English. With easy-to-relate examples, simple step-by-step instructions, and summaries of rules with illustrated diagrams and charts.
Arabic grammar de-mystified: Focused on simplifying all the so-called complexities of Arabic grammar and clarifying them in plain English. Streamlined the learning of complex grammar rules, into simple bitesize components. More emphasis is on mastering the basic and common structures and using them to learn the more complex ones.
Focused on understanding not memorising: Grammar lessons are normally burdened with complex terminology, definitions, and endless rules. It is a common reason why many give up learning Arabic. I have only included the common and most essential rules.
Priceless gems: 57%+ words of Qur'an in 15 lessons: Every word of the Qur'an must be valued by us, to be more worthy than any diamond, gold, or any precious gem. These are the words chosen by Allah, to convey His final revelation for the whole of humanity. Book One lists 439 words which will enable you to recognise, understand and correctly translate more than 44,603 words of the 78,800 words of Al-Qur’an. That’s nearly 57%+ its words, in just 15 lessons.
A unique approach to learning vocabulary: Arabic words often change their endings, and many prefixes and suffixes can be added to the base form of words. There are times when 3+ words can join into what looks like one word. What we need is to understand how words work, how they are formed from roots, and why and why they change. This is the most efficient way of learning Arabic.
The words chosen, are based on extensive research of all available Qur’anic statistical data. I have ordered the lessons, in a way to enable you to quickly learn the most common words and structures first. Thus, giving you a big leap in understanding from the first few days of your studies.
Maps Diagrams Tables: Arabic is an amazingly structured language, its rules can be illustrated in charts, diagrams, and tables. Throughout the book, you will find many illustrations, to help you easily learn and recall the complex rules.
Lesson Exercises: for a deeper understanding: Most lessons have a set of simple exercises, to ensure that you have understood the key learning outcomes.
Additional resources: Free video lessons (YouTube) with a detailed explanation of each lesson will be made available Insha’Allah, to help you better understand the lessons.
What's included?
eBook downloadable PDF
Interactive eBook
Exercise & Model Answers
Lesson videos
57% words of Al-Quran
Ask questions!
Quran Focused
All lessons are Quranic Arabic focused. Each lesson with detailed notes in plain everyday English.
Simple to follow illustrated charts and diagrams.
Simple to follow illustrated charts and diagrams.
Ask Questions to the author or any parts of the lesson, you are not clear about.
Highlight, mark, start, add comments, on the interactive e-book.
Highlight, mark, start, add comments, on the interactive e-book.
Meet the Authour
Muhammad Arjan Ali
Through practical teaching experience instructing English speakers, Ustad Muhammed Arjan Ali recognized a glaring need - an accessible pathway for complete beginners to start learning the language of Quran.
He has developed a unique course for learning Arabic to understand Quran, Designed for English speaking students. The first volume published in December 2022, focused on the foundation of Arabic langue and grammar, using a unique patricidal methodology, that yields quick results.

Patrick Jones - Course author